柔道教室の成功の鍵はコンテンツの充実にあり? The Key to Success in the Judo Class: Enhancing Content??


Recently, I've noticed that when watching TikTok clips of old singers or touching scenes from movies and dramas, I often want to rewatch them even if the video or audio quality is poor. 


This made me realize that good content has the power to captivate people's hearts. 


It's not the video or audio quality that matters most, but the content itself.


Manufacturers that propelled economic growth have been striving to innovate the technology of the hardware that delivers content. 


However, the most important aspect is the quality of the content. 


This principle also applies to the judo classes I am responsible for.


My Experience with Judo Classes


The judo classes I conduct are held in a new facility equipped with the latest mats and air conditioning. 


However, the number of participants has not increased. 



This made me realize that what truly matters is the quality of instruction. If the content of the classes is fulfilling and satisfactory, we can address the challenges faced by the judo community.


To make judo classes successful, I believe the following are necessary:

1. 指導内容の充実 - 参加者の希望に沿った良い指導を提供する。

Enhancing Instruction Content - Providing quality instruction that meets the participants' needs.

2. 指導力の向上 - 師範のスキルを高める。

Improving Instruction Skills - Enhancing the skills of the instructors.

3. 楽しさの提供 - 参加者が楽しいと感じ、また来たいと思える教室にする。

Offering Enjoyment - Creating a class environment where participants feel enjoyment and want to come back.


Moving forward, I plan to focus on improving the content of the judo classes to make them more enriching. 


I aim to convey the appeal of judo to an even larger audience.



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