第一回Judo Yokohama講習会〜The 1st Judo Yokohama Workshop〜
第一回講習会 First workshop 12月10日(土)に 新潟県長岡市民体育館 で初めてのJudoYokohama講習会を開催致しました。 On Saturday, December 10, we held our first JudoYokohama workshop at the Nagaoka Civic Gymnasium in Niigata Prefecture. 2021年1月から現在の内容で技の指導をご紹介し続けて初めてご要望頂き開催の運びに。 We have been introducing the current content of our technique instruction since January 2021, and this is the first time we have received a request to hold this event. 開催に向けて、どれだけの人数が集まってくれるか? How many people would gather for the event? どれくらいのレベルの皆さんが集まってくれるか? How many people would show up and at what level? など内心不安だらけで現地へ向かいました。 I went to the site with a lot of anxiety inside. 母校の絆 Alma Mater Bonds 新幹線で現地に到着。 We arrived at the site by Shinkansen bullet train. 長岡駅から車で5分程度、長岡市民体育館へ到着。 About 5 minutes drive from Nagaoka Station, we arrived at Nagaoka Civic Gymnasium. 既にご準備頂けたメンバーが挨拶に来て頂いた顔を見ると母校 埼玉大学柔道部 の後輩達じゃないですか! The members who had already prepared for the event came to greet us, and when I looked at their faces, I saw that they were junior members...