柔道やろうぜ! Let's Do Judo Together!


Hello, everyone!


After many years of carrying on the spirit of martial arts and passing down its traditions, Kanagawa Prefectural Budokan reopened with a fresh start at the end of April.


We are excited to announce that now, every Saturday night, you can join us for judo practice at the prefectural Budokan, as part of our Saturday Judo Club.


Last night (5/11), we had around 70 members ranging from seniors over 70 to elementary school students, both men and women, gathering together enthusiastically for practice. 


We focused on groundwork and standing techniques for an hour and a half, followed by extra practice for our younger members. 


Additionally, we were thrilled to welcome participants from the UK and Hawaii, fostering vibrant international exchanges.


As for myself, starting from April, I've taken on the role of instructor not only for Saturday practice but also for Tuesday evening judo classes, donning the judo gi twice a week. 


While Saturdays are bustling with many members and emphasize randori, Tuesdays offer a more intimate setting, allowing for detailed instruction and honing of techniques through repetition. 


Already, we've had several participants join us through social media, and we've received requests from elementary and middle school students who attend Saturday sessions to join us on Tuesdays, adding to the growing enthusiasm.


Judo isn't something mastered overnight.


However, we firmly believe that through consistent and meticulous guidance, one can steadily progress. 


Our goal is to provide a space where as many people as possible can enjoy judo and uphold the spirit of martial arts.


With "Let's Do Judo Together!" as our motto, let's strive forward together!




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