Activities in 2022


JudoYokohama introduces the activities of the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club, which practices every Saturday night at the Kanagawa Prefectural Budokan. Yokohama Saturday Judo Club is a group of men and women of all ages who gather every Saturday night to practice judo. 


We gather and practice on sunny days, rainy days, windy days, snowy days, and even at the Corona disaster.


Especially since last year, when the Corona disaster limited the time and content of our activities, the volunteer staff put their heads together and created the content of our practices.


From the viewpoint of infection prevention, more time was spent on "research of techniques" with masks worn.


I thought the participants might have felt inadequate, but I learned "techniques I didn't know before" and "tips and tricks"! But I learned some techniques and tips that I didn't know before!


Through the repetition of the exercises, I received feedback that I noticed movements that I was lacking, and I was able to provide a place of awareness to each of the participants, which was very well received.


It was a year of putting our knowledge to work in an emergency situation that no one had ever experienced before, the Corona disaster.


Since the resumption of training, the number of participants has grown to 95, nearly 100, and we have been able to grow the practice to the point where many judo enthusiasts who have never experienced the practice before can participate.


Now, the 2022 training started on January 8th.


And from the end of January, the period of priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease began in various areas of the Tokyo metropolitan area.


We also practiced until the end of January, but we decided to take a break on February 5 and 12 to wait for the peak of the infection to pass.


It's a shame that I had to take a break at the end of last year when I had finally resumed my practice, but I'll be patient.


The next reopening is scheduled for February 19.


We hope that as many of you as possible will participate in the training after the reopening.


In 2022, I would like to continue to study and teach techniques, incorporate training to improve basic physical strength, and practice throwing and kumite in my training to promote high quality training.





ポーランドからの武者修行:横浜土曜柔道会の特別な一日  JUDO Training Camp from Poland: A Special Day at the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club

「柔道でつながる世界 〜横浜での国際交流と新たな出会い」"Connecting the World Through Judo: International Exchange and New Encounters in Yokohama"**

輝け、未来の柔道王者へ! 〜二年連続インターハイ出場の軌跡〜 Shine, to the future judo champion! ~Trajectory of participating in inter-high school for two consecutive years~