横浜国立大学柔道部様から教えて頂いた「自他共栄」Yokohama National University Judo Club taught us "Mutual Prosperity for Self and Others

2023年は横浜土曜柔道会は県立武道館改修工事期間中は横浜武道館を核に練習を進める予定でした。 In 2023, the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club had planned to conduct their practices primarily at the Yokohama Budokan while the Prefectural Budokan underwent renovation. ところが、横浜武道館は予約が困難で、3月も4月も予約が取れたのは1回のみ。 However, reservations for the Yokohama Budokan were difficult to come by, and only one reservation was made in both March and April. シーズンが始まる大事な時期に月一回しか練習できない不便な状況に陥りそうでした。 We were about to find ourselves in the inconvenient situation of practicing only once a month at the critical start of the season. 3月から柔道難民?土曜柔道会活動停止?ふと、頭をよぎりました。 Judo refugees from March? Suspension of Saturday Judo-kai activities? It suddenly crossed my mind. スタッフで手分けをして柔道場を探そうと声を掛けましたが土曜の夜に50名近く練習できる場所は見つかりませんでした。 The staff tried to find a suitable training facility for nearly 50 members on a Saturday evening, but they were unable to locate any. 毎週末の練習場所を確保するにはどうすれば良いか????と、頭を悩ましたところ・・・ They pondered how they could secure a training location every weekend...