イタリアから武者修行者が来日!そして稽古納め!A trainee from Italy comes to Japan! And the last day of training!

イタリアから武者修行  An Italian Trainee


Last week on Christmas Eve, a man from Italy came to Yokohama Saturday Judo Club to train as a samurai.


When we greeted him at the dojo, he said, "I watch the YouTube channel JudoYokohama. It was my dream to come to Japan and train at this dojo! I've always dreamed of coming to Japan and practicing at this dojo!


I told him that everyone here is a member who not only loves Judo, but loves Judo!And I asked him to do his best to avoid any injuries, and the two-hour practice session began.


I noticed that 35 Japanese members (over 40 if you include their family members) participated in the training, when I thought that the number of Japanese members would decrease drastically on Christmas Eve.


Since he came all the way from Italy! We were able to work up a good sweat with UCHIKOMI, NEWAZA, and TACHIWAZA RANDORI.


It was Christmas Eve!


So Santa Claus came and gave delicious chocolates to the members who participated in the training.(Thank you very much, M tou Sensei)


国際交流が進んだ2022年International Exchange in 2022


In 2022, we were able to have visitors from Hong Kong, Austria, Canada, Germany, and Italy come to Japan to participate in our Yokohama Saturday Judo Club practice sessions.


Together with the Americans and French who were also in Japan and participated in our training, we were able to promote exchange through judo with people from seven different countries.


We also provided personalized instruction in techniques to those who came from other countries.


We hope that this opportunity for personal instruction in new techniques and points of entry into techniques provided an opportunity for each of the participants to study and pursue their own techniques in depth.




国内における柔道交流 Judo Exchange in Japan


One of the most memorable events of this year was the joint training with main dojos in Japan.


In June, eight members of the Toyonaka City Judo Club, who had worked together with me at Senri Gymnasium while I was posted to Osaka by myself, joined me for a joint training session.


In September, over 20 members of the Osaka Shudokan Judo Club, who had also worked together with me during my single posting, participated.


The Marunouchi Judo Club, Oki Jyku, Yokohama Customs Judo Club, and others gathered to provide reinforcements for the East Army to counter the hordes from Osaka in the West.


A total of 150 people gathered at the Kanagawa Prefectural Budokan to practice together in good spirits.


When a large number of people gathered together, everyone's faces really came alive and they really enjoyed the event.

9月 横浜夏の陣 合同稽古

大阪 豊中市役所柔道部


In December, we went to Nagaoka City Gymnasium in Niigata Prefecture.


Sixty junior high and high school students participated, and Judo Yokohama was able to hold a training session for the first time.



While my activities are restricted by the Corona Disaster as a chairman of the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club from July 2020, I have been working with my sponsor members to come up with ideas and devise new activities.


As a result, many people have come together through Judo, sweating together and studying techniques.


We believe that we have achieved a certain level of success in communicating with many people both in Japan and abroad.

2023年 柔道の更なる価値を追求します

In 2023, we will pursue further value in judo.

2022年 コロナ禍でずっと貯めていたアイデアを少しずつ目に見える活動に変えていった年となりました。

2022 This was the year in which we gradually turned the ideas we had been saving up for a long time in the Corona Disaster into tangible activities.


The countdown to 2023 has begun.


In order to support and develop judo, I believe that we need to develop our promotional activities more freely and open-mindedly.


We, Yokohama Saturday Judo Club, are based in Yokohama.


Although the base of our activities and the transmission of information will remain the same, we would like to convey the excellence of judo to judoka and enthusiasts around the world.


We were able to hold this workshop at the end of the year.


We would like to continue this activity at two more bases in Japan and one overseas.


Thank you very much for reading this article.


I look forward to your comments.

Judo Yokohama  

Yokohama Saturday Judo Club



ポーランドからの武者修行:横浜土曜柔道会の特別な一日  JUDO Training Camp from Poland: A Special Day at the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club

「柔道でつながる世界 〜横浜での国際交流と新たな出会い」"Connecting the World Through Judo: International Exchange and New Encounters in Yokohama"**

輝け、未来の柔道王者へ! 〜二年連続インターハイ出場の軌跡〜 Shine, to the future judo champion! ~Trajectory of participating in inter-high school for two consecutive years~