A Journey to Find My Secret Hideaway
日本は今日から三連休!土曜日の柔道の稽古もお休み! Japan has a three-day weekend starting today! And no judo practice on Saturday! せっかくの休みを利用して身体のリフレッシュを!と言う事で箱根湯本へ行ってきました。 I took advantage of my vacation to refresh my body! So I went to Hakone-Yumoto. 日帰りで入れる穴場の温泉に行ってみようと探してみると発見! I searched for a hot spring that I could take a day trip to and found it! 奥湯本にある「天山湯治郷」 Tenzan Touji-go" located in Okuyumoto 山の景色も眺める事ができ、風情のある露天風呂。 An open-air bath with a view of the mountains and a tasteful atmosphere. 新鮮な季節の表情と巡りあえそうな温泉。 A hot spring where you can encounter the fresh expressions of the seasons. 『ここは私の「隠れ家」第一号に決定だなぁ〜』と満足できた素敵な日帰り温泉の旅でした! It was a wonderful day trip to a hot spring where I was satisfied that this place would be my first " secret hideaway "! 天山湯治郷HP=> https://tenzan.jp JudoYokohama