誇りの本郷学園 We are proud of Hongo Gakuen.

■創立100周年記念 100th Anniversary Commemoration 10月29〜30日は母校 本郷学園 の創立100周年記念文化祭でした。 October 29-30 was the 100th anniversary of the founding of our alma mater, Hongo Gakuen. 柔道部は100周年記念との事でOBに声をかけ現役部員との合同稽古の場を 設けてくれました。 The Judo Club asked alumni to join them for a joint practice session with the current members. 大勢のOBが集まり、現役の中高生と数年ぶりに一緒に稽古。 A large number of alumni gathered to practice together with the current junior and senior high school students for the first time in several years. 寝技の反復練習、乱取り、立技の打ち込み、乱取り。 They practiced repetitions of Newaza, Randori, Tachi-waza Uchikomi, and Randori. 一通りの練習メニューを終え、OBからの技の指導そして研究等を進め約二時間。 After completing the entire practice menu, we spent about two hours with the students, receiving instruction from the alumni and studying techniques. 可愛い後輩達と一緒に稽古ができました。 I was able to practice with my lovely juniors. ■ リスク対策 Risk Prevention 少しずつ緩和されつつも、まだコロナ禍。 The corona scourge is gradually easing, but it is still a problem. 年配、遠方からくるOBもおり、練習の前に事前...