突っ張る人を投げるには? Throw the opponent who pushed you


In this week's JudoYokohama, I explained in detail how to practice the tips on how to improve the accuracy of your techniques that we discussed last week, and I also set up a question and answer section to answer questions from those of you who practice regularly.


I've been trying to respond to questions and requests in the YouTube comments as much as possible, and now I'm going to visit you and explain on the spot!


Mr. A, who started judo as a working man and has been practicing every week to achieve his dan, asked me an honest question that everyone must ask themselves: "How should I apply techniques to an opponent who is sticking out? This is an honest question that everyone must ask themselves.


As you can see from the video, there are three main points


Point 1) The length of the arm does not change. Create a distance that changes the length of the arm.


Point 2) Displace the point of contact in the linear direction.


Point 3) Break the opponent while shifting and apply the technique in the direction of the break.


I hope you can use this as a reference for your daily practice.


At the end, he explains the "drop back throw" that he was asked about in the comments a few weeks ago, where you slide your body into a back throw against an opponent who is in a 180° open kenka yotsu!


I think this is also an interesting way to start a technique. I hope you will find it useful and try practicing it once.


And in our study of techniques starting next week, we'll be unraveling the details of "TAIOTOSHI"!


Please look forward to it



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