体落〜足の使い方の秘密〜 TAIOTOSHI 〜 The Secret of How to Use Your Feet〜


Thank you for watching. This week, we have made it a regular distribution from 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.


I never dreamed that I would be able to make regular weekly videos, but thanks to all of you who have subscribed to my channel, I've been working hard to improve the content and subtitles of my videos.


In this article, I will start with a study of the techniques of TAIOTOSHI and explain the tips and tricks of the art over several articles.


Although TAIOTOSHI is a TE-WAZA technique, it is a very difficult technique that requires a lot of footwork.


The first step is very important, but the second step, how to put your weight on it, is explained in detail in the video.


Also, in the preparatory exercises, it is explained that you should move with a strong awareness of your core.


The core training "plank" that we perform every time in our preparatory exercises. So this is a very important preparatory exercise!


The TAIOTOSHI will continue next week. Please continue to watch.



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