寝技の大切さ 〜Importance of Newaza〜


The majority of JudoYokohama's technique research is in the area of standing techniques.


Is it because judo matches start with TACHI-Waza? Or is it because many of us train daily to win or lose by using TACHI-Waza? Many people watch our explanation of the TACHI-Waza technique.


On the other hand, Newaza. We have delivered several commentaries on KANSETSU techniques, but the number of views has not increased.


In judo, it is said that "TACHI-Waza is good, Ne-Waza is good." Even if you can't throw with a TACHI-Waza, if you can finish it with a Ne-Waza (osaekomi, Kansetsu-Waza, Shime-Waza), that is also ippon.


TACHI-WAZA's boldness is certainly attractive, but deciding the winner based on that alone is something to think about.


We at JudoYokohama will continue to provide commentary on Newaza in the future.


If you are a subscriber, a repeat viewer, or a new viewer, we hope you'll tune in.


Thank you very much for your interest in my blog. I hope to post a blog at least twice a week. I'm looking forward to your comments.



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