反転動画で分かった事 What we learned from the inverted video
■ 組み手 Kumite 柔道には右組、左組と左右の組み手があります。 In Judo, there are right and left Kumite, or left and right hand Kumite . 互いに釣手を右手で持つ右相四つ Right-against-left Kumite is right-against-left Kumite with the right hand holding the right Tsuri-te 釣手を左手で持つ左相四つ Left Ai-Yotsu with the left hand holding a Tsuri-Te with the left hand 釣り手が片方が左、相手が右の場合はケンカ四つと言われる組み手 When one of the Tsuri-te is on the left and the other hand is on the right, the pairing is called Kenka-yotsu . JudoYokohamaでは、技を効果的に施す為のプロセスを詳しく指導していますが左組み手。 At JudoYokohama, we teach the process of applying techniques effectively in detail, but left Kumite. 左組み手でケンカ四つ、相四つの対戦相手への崩し、作り、掛けを解説しています。 This section explains how to break, set up, and hang up on your opponent in left Kumite in Kenka-Yotsu and Ai-Yotsu. ■ 右組み動画リクエスト Right Kumite Video Request 『右組なんで左組の動画は今ひとつピンとこない。右組の動画にしてくれへんかぁ〜‼️』 “I’m a right-handed player, so the Left-Kumite videos don't really hit the spot for me. Please make it a video of the Right Kumite.” 全国高段者大会に出場している六段の...