崩しとは?~柔道の真髄に触れる~ What is Kuzushi? ~ Touching the Essence of Judo ~


In judo, "kuzushi" refers to the act of breaking the balance of a standing opponent. 


This "kuzushi" is the most crucial element in successfully executing throwing techniques in judo.

◾️八方の崩し  Eight Directions of Kuzushi


To disrupt the balance of a stable opponent in judo, one must first learn to tilt their center of gravity in eight specific directions. 


This is known as "Happo no Kuzushi" (Eight Directions of Balance Breaking).


The eight directions of kuzushi are as follows:

1. 真正面 Straight forward

2. 右前隅(受けの右足つま先に重心) 

 Right front corner (center of gravity towards the opponent's right toe)

3. 左前隅(受けの左足つま先に重心) 

 Left front corner (center of gravity towards the opponent's left toe)

4. 右横隅(受けの右足に重心) 

 Right side (center of gravity towards the opponent's right foot)

5. 左横隅(受けの左足に重心) 

 Left side (center of gravity towards the opponent's left foot)

6. 真後 Straight back

7. 右後ろ隅(受けの右足かかとに重心) 

 Right back corner (center of gravity towards the opponent's right heel)

8. 左後ろ隅(受けの左足かかとに重心) 

 Left back corner(center of gravity towards the opponent's left heel)


"Corner" refers to the diagonal directions of front, back, left, and right. For example, "right front corner" means the direction diagonally forward and to the right.

 ◾️崩しの重要性 The Importance of Kuzushi


Kuzushi involves the "tori" (the person applying the technique) moving the "uke's" (the person receiving the technique) center of gravity in one of the eight directions, capturing the moment when the uke's balance is disrupted to apply the technique. 


Without kuzushi, no matter how excellent one's technique, effectively throwing the opponent becomes significantly harder.

◾️「柔よく剛を制す」 "Softness Controls Hardness"


"Softness controls hardness" is a well-known phrase in judo. 


This phrase embodies the fundamental principle of judo: using soft and flexible movements to deflect the opponent's force, break their balance, and apply techniques, even against a physically stronger opponent.

◾️一本を取るために  Achieving an Ippon


To master throwing techniques, it is essential to fully understand and internalize the concept of "Happo no Kuzushi."


 By mastering the techniques that correspond to each kuzushi direction, one can apply throwing techniques effectively and efficiently, creating the initial movement necessary to secure an "ippon" (a perfect score).

◾️練習の積み重ね  The Importance of Practice


Mastering the eight directions of kuzushi requires persistent practice. 


Through repeated practice, these movements become ingrained in one's body, allowing them to come naturally during a match. 


This dedication is the key to touching the essence of judo and fostering personal growth.

◾️最後に  In Conclusion


Kuzushi in judo is not just a simple technique but the very core of judo itself. 


By understanding and mastering kuzushi, one can truly appreciate the depth and allure of judo. 


Embark on a journey through judo to surpass your limits and discover a new self.


Hone your kuzushi skills and experience the thrill of achieving that perfect ippon.



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