アメリカNakanoJudoAcademyとの柔道の国際交流〜International Judo Exchange with NakanoJudoAcademy, USA〜

アメリカのNakano Judo Academyと小見川道場との合同練習会が國學院大学柔道場で開催されました。

A joint training session between Nakano Judo Academy and Omigawa Dojo in the U.S. was held at Kokugakuin University Judo Hall.

NakanoJudoAcademy&小見川道場&JUDO YOKOHAMA

Nakano Judo Academyはカリフォルニア州サンノゼに位置する優れた道場で、今回は小見川先生のお誘いにより、私たちJUDO YOKOHAMAも参加させて頂く事ができました。

Nakano Judo Academy is an excellent dojo located in San Jose, California, and we, JUDO YOKOHAMA, were invited by Omigawa Sensei to participate this time.


Judo enthusiasts from various countries gathered in one place, including members from Italy. In the extreme heat of the summer, men and women of all ages from all over the world gathered to participate in the TACHIWAZA and technique training sessions.


In particular, top-class instructors from all over Japan gave us detailed instruction in TACHIWAZA and NEWAZA. It was a very valuable and valuable training session, and we were able to gain new skills and valuable knowledge of the techniques.



This joint training session was not only an opportunity for international exchange, but also an opportunity to meet new people from Japan, which is an important point that cannot be overlooked. It was a valuable opportunity for us to build connections with various people through judo, and to open new doors for learning.


Once in a lifetime encounter.


This encounter was one of those once in a lifetime encounters, and we will continue to cherish new encounters and expand our circle of people.


What we can gain through judo is not only technique and victory. I think it is very important to value human harmony and to nurture a spirit of mutual respect.


Through judo, we hope to pursue the improvement of human relationships and humanity.



Through the joint practice sessions we have held so far, we have renewed our desire to deepen exchanges with judo enthusiasts from various countries and regions, and at the same time, to spread the spirit of judo.


This practice session was a wonderful opportunity for us to realize this.


We would like to continue our activities to value human connections and promote human harmony through judo.

Judo Yokohama  

Yokohama Saturday Judo Club



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