フランス、イタリア、オーストリア3カ国参加の合同練習会が大盛況! Joint Training Camp with Participants from France, Italy, and Austria a Resounding Success!


Hello, everyone! Welcome to the JudoYokohama blog. This week, we had an incredible joint training camp with the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club and the Judo Club of Yokohama National University, with participants joining us from France, Italy, and Austria!



Our activities have gained recognition through YouTube, reaching judo enthusiasts around the world. As a result, we had the privilege of hosting passionate judoka from Italy and Austria who visited Japan privately, bringing their judogi to join our training sessions. It was truly inspiring to experience their skills and dedication firsthand.



What made this joint training camp even more special was the return of participants who had previously attended our sessions. It's amazing how we can form connections beyond borders and appreciate the beauty of judo through such exchanges.


At JudoYokohama, we share our training sessions and provide instructional videos on techniques through our YouTube channel. This endeavor has brought us many new experiences and inspiration. Our activities continue to evolve, and we are always striving to reach new milestones.


We are determined to actively promote judo exchanges both domestically and internationally. Despite our limited influence, we will contribute to the advancement of judo to the best of our abilities.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the joint training camp and made it such a memorable experience. We will continue to give our utmost effort to spread the allure of judo.



Finally, we have uploaded a video capturing the highlights of this joint training camp on our YouTube channel. Be sure to check it out!


Thank you for joining us today, and we look forward to meeting you again in our next update.


Best regards,

Judo Yokohama  

Yokohama Saturday Judo Club



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