山口遠征:JUDO YOKOHAMAワークショップの興奮と成果〜Yamaguchi Expedition: Excitement and Achievements of JUDO YOKOHAMA Workshop〜

こんにちは、皆さん!今回は山口県萩市ウエルネスパークで行われたJUDO YOKOHAMAワークショップについてお伝えします。

Hello everyone! In this blog post, I would like to share the highlights of the JUDO YOKOHAMA Workshop held at Wellness Park in Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture.


Thanks to the collaboration with the Yamaguchi Judo Association, we were able to gather over 100 active junior and senior high school students from Yamaguchi, Hiroshima, and Saga prefectures. It was a thrilling two-day workshop where the participants received stimulating instructions from the active members, creating a sense of tension before the matches.


The workshop saw the participation of Interhigh competitors and members who have competed in national championships. Practical training sessions essential for winning actual matches were conducted, and the active players trained diligently.


The participants ranged from beginners to Interhigh-level athletes, and the workshop provided a valuable experience for each individual to enhance their techniques through the guidance they received.


私たちJUDO YOKOHAMAにとっては、昨年末の新潟、群馬、埼玉に続き、今回は山口県で初めての講習会となりました。これまでの活動を振り返りつつ、他の都道府県でも同様のイベントを開催したいという思いが強まりました。山口県でのワークショップの成功を受け、より多くの地域に向けたワークショップを行いたいと考えています。
For JUDO YOKOHAMA, this workshop in Yamaguchi was the first one following the successful events held in Niigata, Gunma, and Saitama at the end of last year. Reflecting on our previous activities, we have become even more determined to organize similar events in other prefectures. Building upon the success of the workshop in Yamaguchi, we aspire to conduct workshops in more regions.


Furthermore, we have future prospects of expanding internationally. It is our desire to directly transmit the instructions of our unique techniques to judo enthusiasts worldwide.


On the 17th of this month, we have a planned exchange event with a dojo from the United States visiting Japan. We hope that this encounter will serve as a catalyst for new opportunities.


The Yamaguchi Expedition was an exhilarating and fulfilling experience for us. Witnessing young individuals who will shape the future of judo gather together and grow while inspiring each other was truly moving. We sincerely hope that this workshop will lead to further progress and achievements.


Driven by the desire to share such wonderful experiences with other regions, our activities will continue in the future.


Wouldn't you like to join us in our mission to spread the greatness of judo? Perhaps one day, our efforts will expand globally, allowing us to directly teach our techniques to judo enthusiasts worldwide. Let's walk this fruitful path together!

Judo Yokohama  

Yokohama Saturday Judo Club



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