Visiting Japan from Canada


It is a hot August.


We, Yokohama Saturday Judo Club, continue to practice with over 60 Judo enthusiasts who gather every time in Corona, even in the heat.


As we updated last weekend, we had a judoka from Canada join our practice this time.


Following Hong Kong and Austria, we are pleased to announce that a Canadian judoka has joined our practice.


And after the regular practice - the mid-term training was over, we held individual lessons for the ministry️.


After the lesson, we gave the students a lesson on SEOI-Nage , and they were able to improve their speed and movement.


I️ think the video explains in great detail and the viewers can understand it.


However, I️ think it is better to correct each movement by directly teaching with each other while transmitting power to each other.


I have been sharing the key points of the techniques with the world on YouTube, but I hope to have an opportunity to teach directly to everyone as soon as possible.

Judo Yokohama  

Yokohama Saturday Judo Club



ポーランドからの武者修行:横浜土曜柔道会の特別な一日  JUDO Training Camp from Poland: A Special Day at the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club

「柔道でつながる世界 〜横浜での国際交流と新たな出会い」"Connecting the World Through Judo: International Exchange and New Encounters in Yokohama"**

輝け、未来の柔道王者へ! 〜二年連続インターハイ出場の軌跡〜 Shine, to the future judo champion! ~Trajectory of participating in inter-high school for two consecutive years~