転倒予防教室 Fall Prevention Classes
茅ヶ崎総合体育館 転倒予防教室 ■ 13回の開催 The 13th Class 今回で13回目となる転倒防止教室が茅ヶ崎総合体育館で開催されました。 The 13th Fall Prevention Class was held at the Chigasaki Sogo Gymnasium. コロナ禍で中止となってしまった年がありながらも13回目の開催。 Although there was a year when the event was cancelled due to the Corona disaster, this was the 13th time it was held. 当日はあいにくの雨で、男女合わせて7名が参加。 Unfortunately, it rained on the day of the event, and a total of 7 men and women participated. これまでの12回の開催の中では30名を超える皆様に参加頂いていた教室との事。 In the past 12 times the class had been held, more than 30 people had participated. あいにくの雨でしたが7名の皆様に参加頂き教室は開催されました。 Unfortunately, it was raining, but the class was held with 7 participants. ■ 教室メニュー Classroom Menu ご高齢者の皆様が転倒された時にいかにして自分の身を守るか! How to protect yourself in case of a fall! これを柔道の受け身の視点からのアドバイスをヒントに日頃の生活で危険が生じた時に身を守る筋力や動き方を気づいて頂く教室。 This class was designed to help participants realize the muscular strength and movement methods to protect themselves when danger arises in their daily lives, with advice from the perspe...