1モーションで5つの技をかけるためには!「With 1 motion , you can perform 5 techniques」




We have been distributing YouTube for almost half a year.

The "With 1motion , you cam perform 5 techniques " uploaded last week became a high-viewing video that exceeded 10,000 times a week.I am glad that you learned the difficulty and value of continuously performing techniques.

If you can defeat your opponent with one technique, it's better than that. By performing the technique continuously, the opponent is greatly destroyed and the effect of the technique is maximized. I think the content was good from that perspective.  Please take a look.



ポーランドからの武者修行:横浜土曜柔道会の特別な一日  JUDO Training Camp from Poland: A Special Day at the Yokohama Saturday Judo Club

「柔道でつながる世界 〜横浜での国際交流と新たな出会い」"Connecting the World Through Judo: International Exchange and New Encounters in Yokohama"**

輝け、未来の柔道王者へ! 〜二年連続インターハイ出場の軌跡〜 Shine, to the future judo champion! ~Trajectory of participating in inter-high school for two consecutive years~