<字幕> 世界の柔道家にご覧頂くために! <Subtitles> For Judoka around the world to see!
英語字幕付動画を配信し、一年半。 We have been distributing videos with English subtitles for a year and a half. 世界の柔道愛好家のため!と毎回毎回気合を入れて毎週動画を配信中です。 For Judo lovers all over the world! We have been delivering weekly videos with great enthusiasm every time. ▶︎ぶち当たった壁 The wall I hit 短い日本語文から英語、その英語から日本語へと何回かの往復翻訳でおおよそ問題ない 文章が出来上がります。 I was able to create a roughly OK sentence by translating a short Japanese sentence to English, and then from English to Japanese, and back again several times. と、安心しつつアプリ翻訳を進めると「足を払う=pay the foot」と翻訳され?? I was relieved to see that the application translated the sentence as "pay the foot," but then I was asked if the sentence was translated as "pay the foot. 「payはお金を払うのpayだよなぁ?」と自分の語彙不足の感も否めないものの、流石に これは違うなぁ〜と頭を悩ましました。 I was relieved to see that the app translated the sentence as "pay the foot" and I was like, "pay is to pay money, right? 辞書、その他Web、柔道の英語版テキストなどで調べ、ようやく「sweep」という言葉に たどり着きました。 I looked up the word "sweep" in dictionari...