Saitama University Judo Club Joint Training 埼玉大学柔道部 合同稽古

9月は母校埼玉大学柔道部の合同稽古に参加しました。 In September, I participated in a joint training session of the Judo Club of Saitama University, my alma mater. この合同稽古は部員数が激減する中でOBOG会で色々な意見を出しあって「 ここ埼玉大学柔道部で稽古する事を経験して頂き、この柔道部の良さを一人でも多くの高校生に知って頂こう 」という企画で活動が始まりました。 This joint training started as a project to let as many high school students as possible know the goodness of the Judo Club by having them experience training here at Saitama University Judo Club, as the number of club members was drastically decreasing. 2回目?となる9月に横浜から参加。 The second time? in September, we participated from Yokohama. 高校生だけかと思いきや大学生まで参加頂けていました。 We thought it would be only high school students, but even university students participated. 平日は数名限りの道場も多くの柔道部員が集まり稽古し共に汗を流す事で大変良い稽古が出来ました。 Many members of the Judo Club gathered at the dojo, which is limited to a few people on weekdays, to practice and work out together, and we were able to have a very good practice. 恩師からの講話もあり、柔道の試合で勝ち上がっていく為の準備について学ぶ事が出来ました。 There was also a lecture by...